Authors   Toby Shorin, Sam Hart, Laura Lotti

原文作者 Toby Shorin, Sam Hart, Laura Lotti

Published July 02 2021

发表于 2021-07-02

Thanks to their open source and permissionless nature, crypto protocols have rekindled a popular conversation about public goods. Indeed, the transparency and accessibility of blockchains has already re-imagined models of free exchange and association. Nevertheless, while crypto protocols operate as open networks, do they truly enact a public if solely comprised of private capital? Questions of scope, access, and ownership complicate our understanding of what is public on the internet. Public goods also rely on shared moral conditions, as any "good" is necessarily defined in relation to the value system of a given community. With these considerations, we advocate for an enhanced definition of "public goods," in service of others and towards civilizational longevity.

由于加密货币协议开源和无许可的性质,重新引发了关于公共物品(public goods)的热议。事实上,区块链的透明度和可访问性已经重塑了自由交换和联合的模式。然而,虽然加密协议是开放网络运作的,但如果构成网络的资本都是私人化的,加密协议还真的是公共的吗?范围、访问和所有权的问题使我们对互联网上的公共物品的理解变得复杂。公共物品也依赖于共同的道德条件,因为任何“福祉”(good)都必须根据特定社区的价值体系来界定。基于这些考虑,我们主张加强对“公共物品”的定义,以服务于他人,促进文明的长盛不衰。

<aside> 💡 由于加密货币协议开源和无许可的性质,重新引发了关于公共物品(public goods)的热议。事实上,区块链的透明度和可访问性已经重塑了自由交换和联合的模式。然而,虽然加密协议是作为开放网络运作,但如果它都由私人资本组成,加密协议还真的是公共的吗?范围、访问和所有权的问题使我们对互联网上的公共物品的理解变得复杂。公共物品也依赖于共同的道德条件,因为任何“福祉”(good)都必须根据特定社区的价值体系来界定。基于这些考虑,我们主张加强对“公共物品”的定义,以服务于他人,促进文明的长盛不衰。


To live together in the world means essentially that a world of things is between those who have it in common, as a table is located between those who sit around it.

– Hannah Arendt, 1958


– 汉娜·阿伦特(Hannah Arendt),1958

Engraving depicting the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Artist unknown, 19th c.
