What are public goods?


Public goods belong to everybody... kind of.


Key points 关键点

<aside> 💡 一个公共物品有两个关键特征:非排他性和非竞争性。这些特点使市场生产者难以将物品卖给个人消费者。

Public goods 公共物品

Even though new technology typically creates positive externalities through which one-third to one-half of the social benefit of new inventions spills over to others, the inventor still receives some private return. But what about a situation where the positive externalities are so extensive that private firms could not expect to receive any of the social benefit? This kind of good is called a public good.


<aside> 💡 新技术通常会产生正外部性,通过正外部性,新发明三分之一到二分之一的社会效益会溢出到其他人身上,可即便如此,发明者仍然会得到一些私人回报。但是,当正外部性是如此广泛,以至于私营企业不能指望通过该产品获得任何社会效益,那又该怎么办?这种物品,我们就称之为公共物品


In this article, we'll define the characteristics of a public good and discuss why these characteristics make it difficult for private firms to supply public goods.
